Tarot: The (Re)Making of a Language

Tarot: The (Re)Making of a Language is a group show curated by Laurence Ross. Featuring decks and original works by Maggie Bard, Chicome Itzcuintli, Gabriella Santiago-Vancak, Bran Sólo, Matt Stansberry, and David Wilson. On view February 29-May 31, 2020 at Woodland Pattern, Milwawkee, WI.

View the show virtually at Woodland Pattern.

Listen to Joy Powers’ interview with Laurence Ross on Lake Effect, a show for WUMW, Milwawkee’s NPR.

The Tarot, rooted in ancient archetypes, has continually transcended the time periods of its origination to experience resurgences of popularity. Innovations in the Tarot are most evident when an artist aims to illustrate this transcendence, restoring potency—and urgency—to pictures of swords, scepters, and queens on thrones. Whether a practitioner bases their work on image or narrative, interpreting or “reading” the Tarot always blends art with craft. This exhibition aims to show how artists create contemporary interpretations of the Tarot inspired by the places in which they work, with a particular focus on how the artists’ understanding of landscape—both physical and cultural—has shaped their translation of the cards into modern language. Featured decks will include Black Moon Tarot (Maggie Bard), Tarot Mexicayotl (Chicome Itzcuintli), Charm City Tarot (Gabriella Santiago-Vancak / Laurence Ross), Tarot de Laguna (Bran Sólo), and Rust Belt Arcana (David Wilson / Matt Stansbury).

Part of What Can I Do?: Spirituality, Civic Engagement, & Artistic Practice, a series of exhibitions made possible with support from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Mary L. Nohl Fund.